Monday, May 11, 2009

Mondays with MoxieClean

My clean freak friend has started a new cleaning blog, and today's challenge for me was to work little by little towards cleaning out our pantry (which I have recently been complaining about). So begrudgingly, I decided to clear off and reorganize two of the seven shelves, thinking that it would be my week long project. After doing so, however, I felt so motivated and inspired that I just went ahead and redid the whole damn thing. Hooray! Thank you MoxieClean!

My shameful pantry before

Nice and organized!

Join the MoxieClean revolution today!!!


Megan said...

Because we all need encouragement and you deserve some praise.....HOORAY! It looks gorgeous!

Cheyenne said...

Stunning! I knew you could do it. A little public humiliation goes a long way eh? Well done friend, and now that I know what you're capable of, watch out!

Hennifer said...

That is amazing! I swear this is revolutionizing! I realize this comment should actually go on Moxieclean but I'm leavin it here anyway.

I myself plan tomorrow night to figure out what to do with my "spice shelf"

Job well done!!!